Upcoming events.
Meet & Greet Lakeside for Julia Hipp HD10A
This coming Tuesday, October 15 from 4:30 PM to 7:30 PM
Woodfire Pizza of choice! Neapolitan Style!
Hosted by John McIntosh — 44228 348th Lane, Aitkin MN
RSVP Julia@HippForHouse.com or John 763-242-1027
or go to Contact page to send Julia message OR Mobilize link: https://www.mobilize.us/hippformnhouse/event/721971/
Donation $50.00 to H4H Campaign
Call for Door Knocking Volunteers
Call for volunteers to do door knocking, phoning and postcard mailings.
Bring your energetic joy to helping create a better future for Minnesotans in rural district 10A!
Team Hipp is a joyful group and hope you join me in “Bridging Our Way Forward” to a happier future, together! Appreciate you!
Please sign up on Volunteer! page or email Julia@hippforhouse.com
60th Annual Wild Rice Days in McGregor
This 60th anniversary of Wild Rice Days in McGregor is a tradition and well attended.
60th Annual Wild Rice Days in McGregor:
August 31 (Saturday) parade starts at 2:00 PM
Staging of float start 11:30 AM
Volunteers needed for staging float at 11:30 AM and to walk with handouts and joy!
Staging & Start location is County Rd 8 (S Matty St.) & E 1st St.. Route is ONE WAY through town (not a loop like other parades). See map for more detail.
This is McGregor’s 60th anniversary of Wild Rice Days. Theme is 60’s so if you have some ideas for 60’s that we might add to float, bring it! I will bring McGovern T-shirt from 1972!
Appreciate you and the JOY you bring! I am grateful!
Thank you to the 18 Team Hipp Volunteers (and two dogs) for spreading the joy! Hipp, Hipp Hooray!
Pierz Oktoberfest August 25
Thank you to the Team Hipp Volunteers for all your efforts and spreading joy! You are phenomenal!
Pierz Oktoberfest was a beautiful day for a parade.